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Project Andrew
Winter Sidewalk Clearing
Milwaukee residents who are senior citizens or who are physically unable to remove snow from their sidewalk can apply for City of Milwaukee sidewalk snow removal.
Approved residents are eligible to have a Project Andrew youth shovel their public sidewalk free of cost if a youth participant lives within a five block radius of their house.
Approved residents who do not have a Project Andrew youth within a five block radius of their house will have snow removed from their public sidewalk by the City of Milwaukee with mechanical equipment after events of 4” or more of snow at a cost of $30 per sidewalk plowing.
To apply for this service, print and complete this form.
What is Project Andrew?
Milwaukee Community Service Corps is looking for young people between the ages of 15 – 20 who would like to help out in their neighborhood by shoveling snow for Milwaukee residents who are physically unable to shovel their public sidewalk.
Shoveling will be paid, and will only be done during non-school hours, and will be supervised by Milwaukee Community Service Corps staff.
Young people will be assigned to shovel an approved sidewalk section within approximately a five block radius of their house.
If you want to apply to be part of the Project Andrew snow shoveling team, contact Milwaukee Community Service Corps at: Milwaukee Community Service Corps
1441 N 7th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Or email at: mconsiglio@mcscwi.org